The best way for companies to receive reports and keep an eye on multiple properties is to create a main account for all of their sensors. Invite coworkers, employees, and customers to view the data through your account.
Set up Flow
Visit the Sentree - Getting Started page
Create an account under a generic company email; e.g.
Log into the Alert Labs Dashboard
Register your sensors and properties
Invite colleagues and employees to be Team Members for the account
Share specific properties for customers to view their own installations
Team Members
This is the ideal option for coworkers and employees, as they'll be able to on-board new sensors to your account and help maintain the information of the properties they're working with.
Adding team members to your account gives them full access to your portfolio. They will be able to edit property and sensor settings, add new sensors to your account, and be able to add more people to the account.
Team members will not be able to change your notification settings or contact information.
βClick here for instructions
This is ideal for end customers or homeowners that you want to be able to view portions of your portfolio. Team members will be able to Share properties with customers as well.
Sharing allows you to grant viewing access to individual properties or sensors, but keeps you in control. A person sharing your account will not be able to edit sensor or property information and cannot add new devices.
Team members
To add a team member,
Log in to the Alert Labs Dashboard
Click on the Settings gear icon in the top right corner
Select "Sharing"
Click "Team Members"
Click "Add Team Member"
A pop-up window will appear
Enter the person's email, or enter multiple emails separated by a space
Click "Add Team Member" when finished
To share your water data with other people,
Log in to the Alert Labs Dashboard
Click the Settings gear icon in the top right corner
Select "Sharing"
Click "Sharing" again
Choose between sharing "By property" or "By person"
If you have more than one property or person, use the arrows on the right to expand and see the Share option
Click "Share" or the plus sign beside it
A pop-up window will appear
Share a single property, or share multiple properties by clicking the top plus sign
Enter the person's email, or enter multiple emails by using the bottom plus sign
Click "Invite" when finished
The email(s) you provided will receive an invitation to create their own account, which will automatically have access to the property/properties that you've shared with them