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LeAQ | AlertAQ
Updated over 5 months ago

LeAQ is our water leak detection algorithm for the AlertAQ™ water intelligence platform.

LeAQ analyzes water use patterns from thousands of building samples and incorporates ongoing learning from your building’s unique water use to detect unusual water use and send alerts.

Customizable Water Alert Settings

LeAQ lets you customize leak detection through two settings:

Leak Detection Sensitivity

Choose between balanced, high, or low Leak Detection Sensitivity settings to get leak notifications even faster, with more alerts, or slower, with fewer alerts.

By default, your Leak Detection Sensitivity will be set to Balanced, which is the recommendation for the majority of properties.

How do I know if I need to adjust the Sensitivity?

The default Balanced setting will be the right choice for most buildings.

However, if you need to make a change...

Using High Sensitivity

  • High Sensitivity should only be used on smaller commercial or residential properties.

  • This setting will detect leaks faster and lead to more alerts.

  • It can be used for locations with a predicable daily pattern for water usage.

    • for example, small office buildings with typical 9-5 business hours

Using Low Sensitivity

  • Low Sensitivity will take longer to detect leaks and lead to fewer alerts.

  • Use this setting if you frequently receive short leak alerts that you consider too sensitive.

    • for example, this may help with leaks that trigger when someone is working a bit late or when irrigation systems are in use.

  • It can be used for locations with continuous, expected water usage that infrequently drops below below the Leak Threshold.

    • for example, large manufacturing facilities with multiple shift times.

To adjust your Leak Detection Sensitivity Threshold for a Sensor

After logging in to AlertAQ™, find and click on the 'Sensors' tab located on the left sidebar to view a list of all the sensors associated with your account.

From this list, select the sensor you want to modify the leak threshold. A Sensor Details side panel will open on the right side of your screen. Scroll down and click on the 'Sensor Settings' button. On the settings page, scroll down to find and expand the 'Water alerts' section.

Click on the circle to the left of your preferred Sensitivity level to select it. Hit the "Save" button at the bottom of the page when your changes are complete.

You can also make these adjustments at the Account Settings and Location Settings level.

To return to Balanced settings, click the button to the right of the Sensitivity settings.

Leak Threshold

Changing the Leak Threshold lets you customize the alert level based on your property needs. When continuous, unexpected water consumption is higher than this level, you will get alerts. The rate is shown above in liters, but the unit is based upon Account Unit Preferences.

By default, your Leak Threshold will be set to our recommended rate of 0.25L/min (or the equivalent in your unit of choice).

However, you can adjust the threshold higher or lower as necessary. Here's another article about How to modify leak thresholds.

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