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AlertAQ™ Intelligence Platform

19 articles
Notification Preferences for Alerts
How do I see my data?
Where can I get the Alert Labs app?
I forgot my password
How do I receive Notifications?
How to modify Temperature threshold
How to set up an account
Password Reset
How to Add a Photo of your Sensor to AlertAQ?
LeAQ | AlertAQ
Advanced ExportHow to download raw data in CSV format for water, temperature, humidity, alerts, and water analytics from AlertAQ™.
How to Delete a Sensor | AlertAQ™How to Delete a sensor in the AlertAQ™ Intelligence Platform
Grouped NotificationsStreamlined notifications for a tidier inbox
Enter Water Costs | AlertAQ
Recalibrating a sensorLearn how to recalibrate your sensor after a water meter change or rollover to ensure accurate readings.
How to Log Event Feedback | Legacy DashboardHow to log event feedback in the legacy dashboard
Adding Property Settings | Alert Labs Legacy DashboardHow to add or edit your property details in the Alert Labs Legacy Dashboard
Registering Your Sensor | Alert Labs Legacy DashboardHow to Register a New Sensor in the Alert Labs Legacy Dashboard